Find a CPA

A Few of Our Members

  1. CPA Photo

    Wilfred BucherWilfred E Bucher, CPA

  2. CPA Photo

    Amy WongKawakami, Wong & Lau CPAs, LLC

    • Location: Honolulu, HI
    • Phone: 808-941-8865
  3. CPA Photo

    Blake IsobeN&K CPAs, Inc.

Members listed in the Business Directory have designated to be listed in the Hawaii Society of CPAs (HSCPA) Find a CPA section. The HSCPA has not verified or validated the information each member has provided on the individual, firm or business affiliation it lists. The accuracy of the information listed is solely the responsibility of the party, not of the HSCPA. Listing in this Business Directory does not constitute or imply an endorsement of the services or of the firms/businesses. Neither the HSCPA, nor any of its members makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information contained in this service.